Michelle James

Nov 19, 20172 min

Happy Thanksgiving!

I just want to take the opportunity this Thanksgiving to say how appreciative I am of you for your support of my business over the past year.

I would also like to wish you and your loved ones a season of peace and goodness as you share in the joy of what it truly means to have a heart of gratitude in all things, through every season of your lives.

So many folks, at this time, are going through one thing or another but the good news is that there's hope in the process of "going through." The process of "going through" means that the situation is temporary and that there is always an end in sight.

Each day we may be faced with the challenges of this Life Journey but faith allows us the opportunity to hold on and to keep on prodding "through" because there is a Finish Line ahead. 

Never quit and never give up!

Be assured that there is at least one thing on your Gratitude List in which you can find it in your heart to be thankful. You can give God thanks for what you do have: breath, strength, determination and endurance to win the race in which you're running in step with other team members. This race isn't for the swift but for the ones who can run a marathon.

So, as you prepare to sit around a table to enjoy whatever feast may be set before you, be reminded of Who it is that has allowed you the pleasure to enjoy God's goodness in this land in which you are living. And, with a heart of gratitude, make it known to Him, as well as those around you, just how much it is appreciated.

May the Lord bless you and keep you; may He make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace this Thanksgiving.

Gratefully yours, Michelle James, Your Gift Designer
